July 9, 2010

Phrase of the Day

I've been convicted, albeit mildly, for years now that I need to study Spanish more. By God's grace I am already fluent, have been for 20 years, but I love to learn and there are still many things I do not know. Especially Spanish sayings, proverbs, slang, and a gazillion referential nuances. You know, the real meat of languages. Besides, my husband and most Argentines use these things ALL THE TIME, and I usually have to ask for a definition because I have no idea what they're talking about.

So, I thought it would be fun to do a Phrase of the Day in Spanish. It will definately not be daily, so don't let the name throw you. I'll probably save it for times when I don't have anything interesting to say, or time to write about much. It'll probably bore you non-Spanish speakers, so sorry in advance. But it really helps me with my writing and spelling in Spanish, and it's fun.

So the first one:

Buenas y malas artes hay en todas partes = there are good and bad people everywhere

Literally "good and bad art are there in all parts".


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