

Here are the answers to some questions we frequently get asked about the making the Big Move to Missions. You may also click on some of the questions for more detailed answers. There is much more we could add, but here is the general lo-down.

When are you leaving?
     September 28th (2011), Lord-willing!

How long are you staying?
     As the Lord enables, we hope for a very long time.

What will you be doing there?
     Evangelism, working with the indigenous, the poor, street kids, orphans, sports ministries, prison ministry, relief & development, the local church, etc.. Sharing the gospel in Latin America often goes hand in hand with mercy ministries - food, clothing, helps of any kind, et. al. The problem is not what to do, more where to begin. Teaching and church-planting may be in the future, as well.

Are you going with a missions organization?
      No - although we did apply. Unfortunately, when we asked our church to be our official sending church, they said, "No''. Fortunately, at the same exact time, the Lord opened up a very wide door for us to go a different way. It's been a wild ride.

Why are you going?
      Jesus said, "go..."

Will you keep your house?
     We rent, so no. This is actually a blessing, and makes it easier to go.

What about your stuff?
     We are selling and giving away some stuff. The rest we will, Lord-willing, take with us in a container. Furniture, clothing, and cars are VERY expensive in Argentina.

What about the kids' education?
     We plan to continue homeschooling (see Homeschooling Abroad for the laws). One day, one year at a time.

So, how do you homeschool abroad?
     Much the same way we do here. Since the kids already understand Spanish (and learning to speak it probably won't be too hard), and Tony and I speak Spanish at home - honestly I'm more worried about them losing their English. We'll definitely homeschool in English, but I do see us homeschooling in both languages in the future. As for curriculum, and because I don't know when we will be able to come back for a visit, I'll have to take years worth of stuff with us. In case we get in a pinch, I have found tons of free, online curriculum (see sidebar). There won't be any homeschool co-ops, conventions, or probably other homeschoolers nearby - but the kids will gain so much more!

What about friends?
     I'm sure we'll all make new friends. And we hope our other friends come visit (hint, hint!). Getting hooked up with a church there will help get us connected. Also, being married to Mr. Social makes it impossible to not eventually know everyone in the world.

What about money?
     Since we are not going with an organization (see above), and our home church made it clear not to expect any kind of regular support once we are gone, we are pretty much on our own. We will be working to support ourselves. And praying a lot. But we hope and pray that God will touch others, as He has been, to help so that we can do more missions than what our meager salary there will allow us to do. Ultimately we trust God. We have to. We've never done missions to this extent before. But Jesus said all we need is faith as small as a mustard seed. That we have.
