
November 1, 2010

Busy, busy

I'm still here, just busy teaching my kids, and teaching other people's kids as well...

I discovered I actually LIKE teaching 1st & 2nd graders -
 what a great age. :)

Also busy squeezing some field trips and outdoor activities in before the weather gets too cold...

State Park lady pointing out how to identify poison ivy when it has no leaves (it's the fuzzy stuff)

Preparing for the mission field also means working on the "Must-visit-these-museums-before-leaving" List.

Tough, considering museums and baby don't seem to gel. Recent trip no exception. This really needs its own post entitled, "Museums and Other Disasters".

On a lighter note, we recently visited an Apple Cider Factory:

Throw apple on conveyor belt...

get apple cider out...
feed leftovers to cows.

Also visited Mom-mom for a great day of power-washing the mold off her house.
Now there's a man. 

 Always a great time. Mom-mom feeds us.

(Mommy likes this.)


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Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!