
May 21, 2012


We are getting ready for our third mission trip to the mountains - and 3 day evangelistic event in a few remote mountain villages in the northeastern corner Patagonia.

This is a sample of some of the things on our packing list:

portable DVD player
all necessary cables and battery rechargers
220v-120V converters
sleeping bags
extra blankets
pillows with dark pillowcases (so I don't notice how dirty they get)
warm, dark colored clothes (same reason as above)
winter jackets
gloves and hats
baby wipes (there's no shower where we are staying)
long-life milk in a box
instant coffee and tea
box of snacks

UPDATE: portable shower - Tony just called to tell me he bought one [it looks exactly like this. fill it with water, plug in to heat. very important next step: UNPLUG].

We're so lame. But, it was only 89 pesos (20 bucks!). We're only buying it for the Boy (...that's what we're telling ourselves. He gets his Fruit of the Loomers in a bunch if he can't shower before bed. He's a strange boy, I hear...). But I'm sure we'll all be fighting over it. I'm going to be laughing when all the young'uns quickly forget their proclamations of, "But, we're MISSIONARIES!" and meekly ask if they can use our shower. LOL yeah, I'm getting pictures of that. Well, not action pictures, that is...


1 comment:

  1. Hey, no one ever said missionaries couldn't have warm showers! Enjoy! :)


Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!