
February 15, 2012

prayer request!

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." - Ephesians. 3:20-21

Here's a prayer request we just sent out; thought I'd post it here, too, because - as you'll read - we need some prayer. :)

Tony still has not found a job, and we have officially run out of money, so things are getting interesting. Freelance work has come to a standstill, and we are needing God to open doors for permanent employment here for Tony. Next month the TV station that is hiring will be hiring ONE person, not five as they originally said. Tony was #1 on the list, but who knows what that means now. You never know here, things change in a moment's notice. Anyway, he is pulling all the strings he has and is also looking for employment elsewhere and has had other interviews, but this job would cover our expenses, the others not really. So we need some prayer! We will be going food shopping today, and then that's it. It's all gone.

Nonetheless, we are trusting in God who is Faithful and believe that He will come through. Missions and ministry is taking off and we have more than enough to do, and have been very busy in that respect. Which is why we came. But we are not without many trials, that is for sure. But Jesus who fed the 5,000 knows we have earthly needs like food and shelter, so we need people praying to the King of Glory on our behalf (and on the behalf of the ones we came to reach here). Needing some miracles and answers to prayer!

For all of you that have just freaked out on our behalf (Mom, Dad), we remind ourselves often of the following:

The only thing that doesn't have a solution is death.

We're not dead yet, so there's a solution. And in my desperation the other day as I was wallowing in bed mid-afternoon with another raging migraine, I recalled, with a glimmer of hope, that God has not left us without options. We could always sell the van and move back to the States on what we would make (last case scenario, because that would be lame and depressing).

So, prayers, please pray with us.

We are children of the King, after all, right? He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, and He has always come through. ALWAYS. We don't prefer 11th hour rescue operations, but for some reason He operates that way at times in our lives. We are tested, our faith grows, and He is glorified.

Lord, Your kingdom come.Your will be done... On earth as it is in heaven. (Mat. 6:10)


  1. Yes, we are praying. I'm excited to see how God provides for you. It's comforting to know in this moment it is not an employer or gov't official you cry out to but to God almighty, the creator of the universe who also happens to be your DAD

  2. Psalm 37:25
    "I have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lends; and his descendants are blessed."
    Praying for you:
    Phil. 4:19
    "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
    He is faithful!
    A & J


Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!