
January 20, 2012

Tony has been spending a lot of time in the slums these days.

Tony with Sebastian: his plywood house burned down and he is now living in a tent with his wife

There's always something to do.

Bring fresh water. Food. Comfort. Friendship. A helping hand. The Good News.

Love in action.

Fix-it-yourself electrical repairs: Dani holding the ladder for Raul, Sebastian's uncle

During one of their visits Ceferino, Marcela's husband, told Tony his story. He grew up in a landfill. He is one of twelve children. As a child, he picked through trash to survive. His body is riddled with gunshots. Two to his head (one grazed his jaw bone, the other his scalp), more than a few in his legs and stomach. Miraculously, he's still alive.

Dani, Sebastian, Raul

While Tony was in the slums, Yoli stopped by our house and asked for a Bible. No one has ever actually asked me for a Bible, and I was about to give her mine, right when Tony came home and said he had found one while unpacking. It was hers to keep.

Oh, Thank you, she said. I want to read the Bible at night, but I don't have one.

Now she does.

Sometimes, I venture to say most times, reaching the lost, helping those in need, spreading the gospel, takes the form of small things. Jesus doesn't necessarily ask us to do big things for him, He just asks us to be available, to obey. Knowing His will is not far from us, we can open our Bibles and read what we're supposed to do as professed followers of Christ. The question is not "What does God want me to do?", but "Will we do it?".


  1. "Sometimes, I venture to say most times, reaching the lost, helping those in need, spreading the gospel, takes the form of small things. Jesus doesn't necessarily ask us to do big things for him, He just asks us to be available, to obey. Knowing His will is not far from us, we can open our Bibles and read what we're supposed to do as professed followers of Christ. The question is not "What does God want me to do?", but "Will we do it?"."

    YES!!! AMEN!!!

    How I needed to hear this this morning!!! Those "small things" - the everyday that we don't prepare for and that don't have an end date - those are the toughest to do. SO, so glad to hear He has filled your plate for the summer - just as you asked Him to. Praying for you guys.

  2. Ok good, finally there was a comment but I'll comment anyway since I am on a roll. I love the top picture. :) Typical Tony, always smiling. What a great example he is.


Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!