
November 2, 2011

still alive...

Lost internet access for a week, have a small window here, then offline again for a while...

We're still alive. Found a house. Moved in. It's empty. Sleeping on the floors. No car. Tony away in Buenos Aires this whole time (week) getting our stuff and car. He's never allowed to travel again. I've decided I'm not missionary material (but obviously I'm here and doing it, which means anyone can). This is crazy. But we're okay. The kids are happy to finally have their own house and rooms!

They're happy, I'm happy. Healthy is a bonus, too.

Thankful for bars on my windows and an alarm system. I do sleep, just very late after checking each window and door a million times. The angel of the Lord encampeth around those that feareth Him.

Feeling a bit better, we are cured of our illnesses, praise the Lord. Not 100% yet, though. I have a migraine now though, Day 2, can't imagine why. I'm not stressed - no, not at all.

Baby sick again, hopefully just a cold. Ugh. It never ends, but it better soon cause I'm tired of this!

Kids beginning to speak Spanish. Baby yells, "Fuera" (away, get) to the stray dogs when we go out for a walk. I hate stray dogs. They rip my trash bags apart at night and eat whatever is in there. I spent two mornings in a row cleaning up the trash scattered all over out dirt road.

Sorry no pics posted! Internet here is tempermental, slow, and mostly we don't have it. Will upload pics as soon as I get a good connection... someday! Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Thanks for all the comments and prayers - we'll respond when we get a free moment!

love :)


  1. It's just good to hear from you. Your names come up regularly around here, and we're praying!

  2. So thankful to Jesus for the measure of healing you're experiencing. Abigail keeps praying for you all and she'll be glad to hear you're doing better. We'll keep praying for His care and protection to become even more evident to you all. En Cristo, Emm, Laura & fam.

  3. We are thrilled to hear answers to prayer! I was praying you would find a place to call "home". And hopefully Tony will soon be back with your things. God is faithful! Keep focused on why you are there. I remember hearing a missionary woman who is so often on the road and not home say "only for you Lord, only for You am I willing to give up so much." May He bless you a thousand fold for your obedience and desire to follow His leading & calling. We will continue in prayer. love yas the landis'

  4. Thanks for taking the time to update even though it's a pain I'm sure with the poor internet connection. We continue to lift you up daily and it is good to have an update and know how to pray.

  5. Chris, Sorry, I haven't kept up with you guys. Been sick myself for three weeks. Just read through your news. Satan is trying to discourage you, but God is stronger. Hold onto that. He love does not depend on whether you read your Bible today or how many people you told about Him. He loves you anyway even when it doesn't feel like it. Praying that you may KNOW that more and more, then you can share it. Jerri


Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!