
September 13, 2011

Our New Projector and Other Amazing Goodies!

Many months ago when I contacted the JESUS film people about how we could show the movie in Argentina as part of our ministry (that sounds so weird to say... "our ministry" - like, who are we?), the Latin American director located in Bolivia told us the best thing to do first was to just go ahead and get the equipment. Okay.

When I researched it and saw that a projector, laptop/DVD player, screen, speakers, and the movie cost between $4000-$5000 dollars, I sighed, stared at the computer screen, and pretty much gave up that dream for a while. I sat there, pretty disappointed (I mean, we don't have that kind of money!) - and prayed that somehow God would provide so that someday we could show the JESUS film in Argentina. Someday - I was thinking, after we'd been there a while.

Last night we got to see God answer that prayer (and then some!).

Here is our new projector (THANK YOU Dave & Terri, and our gracious and generous Heavenly Father!)

 setting up the projector in our kitchen

the DVD player that connects to the projector 

projecting a movie onto our kitchen cabinets!

Dave, a teacher, gave us little training session on how to set up and use our new little friend. He brought two boxes of all sorts of excellent evangelistic and teaching DVDs. He explained that we could even project onto the side of a building and have a 20ft x 20ft screen - the picture quality and audio is incredible! He also gave us two additional speakers and a 6'x6' screen he had in his basement!

Tony's head was spinning with all the possibilities, and so was mine! Traveling movie ministry, neighborhood movie nights, VBSs, Christmas outreaches... As Dr. Seuss says, "Oh, the places we can go!"

I'm a little disappointed that I don't have more time to play with our new friend - the container comes in 3 days and we have to get it ready for shipping. My greatest prayer at this point is that it just makes it to Patagonia without any sticky fingers stealing it! Please pray with me!

There have been so many more generous people that have come along side us these past days and months... I wish I had time to mention them all right now! But, it will have to wait - back to packing. We are in serious crunch time!

1 comment:

Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!