
August 31, 2011

more photos

I meant to post these the other day, but forgot to include them here... here are a few more pics from Patagonia. Enjoy. :)

Bariloche after the volcano exploded - ash piled high by the side of the road
Our friends have relatives in Bariloche, so they drove the 4-5 hours to help shovel two feet of ash off roofs, so they wouldn't collapse under the weight.

the road from the Patagonian desert to the Andes mountains,
via Villa Pehuenia, Neuquén Province, Argentina
[check out that snow, 6-9 feet easily!)

 Four. more. weeks. !

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Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!