
June 4, 2011

missions to NW Argentina

This was posted on FB by our friends as Campus Crusade for Christ in Argentina this week, so we wanted to show you some of what we'll be doing after the Big Move. Every year CCC, staff, and students visit this area of Argentina. We are tremendously bummed that we won't be there for this again this year - but next year we'll be living in Argentina so, Lord-permitting, we will be able to participate in this! Tony always talks about going to the north of Argentina: he wants to go to the north, the north, the north, the north... it really pulls him. So check this out. Even though this video is in Spanish, you can see the need and all there is to do! :)

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Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!