
June 28, 2011

on kids and missions


... was abandoned by her prostitute mother in an Ecuadorian orphanage.
As far as I know, she is still there almost four years later.

(Now this is where I'm just going to be real. And, well, human.)

Days like today, when I'm colosally pms-ing out of my mind (yeah, I know, TMI. I told you it was a family curse.), I think to myself, "Oh, LORD, please don't make me adopt. You know, or open up a children's home. I could never do that. Really, I couldn't."

God probably laughs at me. He often makes me eat my words. Often.

I know we're going to be working with kids to some degree in Argentina. I know that. And I want to. I really do. I love kids. I just hope the Lord doesn't make me actually raise 100 of them. {See how spirtually mature I am - just juvenile of me, I know.}

Because, you know, LORD, the way things are going with aging and all, I'm sure I'll go psycho when I hit menopause, so don't ask too much of me, okay? Okay? You know how I am, LORD. Psycho mommy and all... once a month can't handle anything... you know....


I remember years ago, in the waiting area of the hospital... one of our pastors was there as we were waiting to get in and see my neighbor who had tried to commit suicide. For the 12th time. I found her ODed on her bathroom floor, and called 911. As we were waiting there in the hospital, I remember talking about ministry and what might the Lord have for us in the future yadda yadda, and do you know what I said? I said, "Well (and I probably snorted or something, you know a la Chrissy Snow or something}... Well," I went on - as if I know the future and all - "whatever He has for us I know it's not working with children. I don't do kids. I can barely do my own two, you know?"

(Real sympathetic ear from pastor. Yessiree).

And that settled it. As if that was that. 'Cause I know everything. And I SURE as all get out was NOT going back to Argentina either. Ha ha.



Yah. Anyway...

Now we're going to probably work with street kids, in Argentina, or maybe orphans, and (gasp)... what if they don't have mommies? Or what if we have to (shhhhhhhh...!take them in or something?

If there is one thing I'm learning, it's that following Christ is (news flash) not. about. me. That's right. Not about me...

Not. about. me.

Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. Luke 9:23

Following Christ is about suffering. That's right, America. Uh, Chris...

The Christian life is marked by suffering. Not comfort.

So, off to Argentina we go. Probably to save kids. And all the other stuff I said I'd never do.

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Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!