
April 11, 2011

nothin' more attractive

...than a man who prays


  1. That is a great picture. I love whatever you did to it. At least I am assuming you edited it somehow.

    I love your new blog header too. It looks great!

    Sorry your kids had the flu. How yucky. I would have thought we would have been through that season by now. Hopefully you didn't end up in the ER.

    And that was a great clip on changing educations paradigms that you posted the other day.

    I didn't get around to commenting before there there are all my comments at once. :)

  2. Thanks, Christy! Yeah, I read blogs real quick and then run off to attend something (or someONE) so I'm really bad at commenting on blogs too!

    And, yes, I edited the photo on Photobucket, which I found through Storing up Treasures - I'm so excited about it since I don't have any fancy programs on my computer. That's Tony and his brother up there in the new blog header - so adorable.

    Glad you're enjoying the weather and all the new and exciting field trips!!


Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!