
December 28, 2010

Crazy Francis Chan

A few months ago I wrote about a book I was reading, Crazy Love by Francis Chan.

I had heard that he would soon be leaving his church and taking his family to Asia to live and minister for a few months.

This article, '"Christian Famous" Pastor quits his church, moves to Asia', has been flying around social media a lot lately - and I wanted to post it myself. Such good food for thought. I am inspired.

What's even more inspiring is the rescue mission in Thailand where they spent a whole month as a family. Sobbed.

His wife posted a few updates on his site (read from bottom to top) from their trip.

AWE-SOME. I am deeply moved. And I am so with them.

1 comment:

  1. Great article. And that video...I cried. I haven't looked at his website in awhile; I need to go check it out. Thanks for the links!


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