
July 17, 2010

What IS Headcheese, anyway?

Why I visit Suan Wise Bauer's blog from time to time: I learn things, and her Twitter updates make me laugh. Must be the dry sense of humor.

Today (I really am working) I learned what Headcheese Really Is.

I'm not sure if it is utterly disgusting, or just so downright scrumptous that I want to rasie my own hogs and make some.

1 comment:

  1. If you really have a hankering for head cheese, just pop over to your local fiambrería and ask for some queso de chancho. My boyfriend's grandmother loves that stuff, but I can't bring myself to try it. Eek!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog! I hope to see you again soon. :)


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