
July 26, 2010

Argentina Mission Trip Pictures

Yesterday I saw the first pictures from the Campus Crusade for Christ Argentina Mission Trip posted on FB. We SO very much wanted to go on this year, but just couldn't for financial reasons. Isn't it always about money?

I'm SO excited to share these! Enjoy and BE INSPIRED!

[All photos shared by permission]

Valle Calchaquiés, Catamarca Province, NW Argentina

snow in the Andes

one of the students climbing in the Valley

some of the university students from Buenos Aires on the trip


painting the school

the real reason they went - ADORABLE!

sharing the Gospel in pictures - before Jesus

after Jesus

helping grown Rita write her name

making a blackboard

Bible lesson and drawing

hanging out

house and the Andes

 making bread


Milanesa a la napolitana con arroz - YUM!

central heat and stove

sleeping in the school

it was cold

working with the adults

playing games

NW desert

Population: 5000
Elevation above sea level: 6000 ft
Days of sun per year: 360


  1. Beautiful and inspiring photos, Chris! Thanks so much for sharing them.

    Thanks for all the comment love over at my blog. Just to let you know, I answered your question about how to get updates on post comments. You'll find it on the "You Might Be a Yanqui" post. :)

  2. I answered your other questions too, by the way, on the other post "To Smile or Not to Smile."


Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!