That's all I have to say (okay, not really).
And this video:
It's important to note that the inivitation is NOT FOR US ONLY(*see below). I find it simply amazing that Campus Crusade for Christ, a world-reknowned ministry with a fantastic reputation, is basically saying, "Please come and help us reach Argentina for Christ". Even if you're not part of CCC. Stunning.
I was talking to Tony tonight about how Americans wouldn't really believe me if I told them that they are welcome, begged even, to come and help spread the Gospel and minister in other parts of the world. We have this notion here in America that we're not "qualified", not "called", "well God would never use me" or "Me? No, what would I do?" mentality. It's just not true. You are NEEDED abroad. NEEDED. Let me say it again, NEEDED. I was so encouraged to read my friends' appeal for help, "God can use your gifts, talents, and abilities on this trip." They have opened up their mission trip next month to the NW of Argentina because the fields are ripe, but the laborers are few.
This is the Director of Campus Crusade for Christ in all of Argentina opening up their mission trip to anyone to come and help spread the Gospel and minister to the needs of the people of the NW region of his country... these are friends of mine. I know them. I've been there. I've seen the need. They are not kidding.
We would go if we had a few thousand dollars laying around. We would take our kids. Children are not a nuisance, hindrance, or inconvenience in most parts of the world, they are a normal part of life. And missions. I know that if I told our friends we were coming with our kids for three weeks to help evangelize the NW of Argentina with them they would say, "Great! Welcome. Thank you! Many blessings:)".
They would.
It's different abroad. It's DIFFERENT. There is such need that there is not the luxury of saying, "Oh, you're not from my denomination, so I can't work with you.", "Oh, well, we have doctrinal differences, so therefore I don't think we can work together", or "Well, it's not a mission trip through my church, therefore I can not go." This does not exist outside of America! We are 60 million Christians in this country. Sixty. Million. We focus on these minor differences. Because we can. Abroad, in a country of 40 million where maybe a 5% or 1% or 0.5% are Christians, there is not that luxury.
Go. Just go. Instead of going to Disney this year, take your family on a mission trip. You will not regret it. And neither will the ones who fall all over themselves to thank you, thank you, thank you for coming. If you are thinking, "Oh, but we need a vacation," did you know that it is actually very relaxing being in a foreign country where no one is in a hurry? It may possibly be one of the nicest vacations you've ever had. God might bless you in ways you could never imagine. His economy says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." He blesses you and fills you when you follow Him. In Him rest is found, even if you are outwardly "working". We definately found this to be true when we went to Ecuador.
"Freely you have recieved, freely give." Mt. 10:8
*Argentina Mission Trip - Calchaquies Valley (CCCI)
Saturday, July 10-31, 2010
Valle Calchaquies: Salta, Tucuman, and Catamarca Provinces
NW Argentina
Calchaqui Valley is an area in NW Argentina, adopted by Campus Crusade, where every winter (northern hemisphere's summer) since 2004 groups of 150 students, professionals and other volunteers have gone into dozens of villages, in teams of 10-15, to serve the people, to help with their needs, and to share how to have a relationship with God, as well as help them grow in their faith.
During these three weeks in July, 2010 we will have the opportunity to continue the on-going mission and social work in this region.
If you are a student, block out a couple weeks of your vacation time and come participate.
The health needs in this area are many (much needed medical supplies are many times not available, or a person has to travel many miles just to see a doctor). This is why we especially invite professionals in the medical and dental field who would like to participate by offering their services to the people for one, two, or three weeks.
We also invite anyone who would like to be a part of this service project by simply coming as a volunteer.
Ways you can participate, by:
*GOING: traveling and working together with a team in one of the villages (if you are a medical professional, you would participate by offering your services to the people)
*DONATING: the list of needs is updated every year. The greatest need is for shoes (especially children's shoes), school supplies, medicine (ask for the list of supplies by email), tools and paint. Donations are to be taken with you to Argentina, or you may also donate funds to buy needed supplies or in order to support someone going on this trip.
*PRAYING: join us in prayer for social and spiritual change in this region.
*SHARING: We need people to help spread the word so that more are able to participate in order to help the people of this region in Argentina. You may spread the word by mouth, by email (request the promo video by email and we will send it to you), sharing the blog above, by Facebook, or any other means.
Your gifts, talents, and abilities can be used to serve on this trip.
Cost per week: 300 Argentine pesos (approx. US$80) includes all meals and lodging during the trip, a retreat between the first and second week, also includes some assistance in travel expenses to reach the places in which you will be working
Registration: 30 pesos (approx. US$8)
Cost does NOT include transportation to and from Calchaquies Valley.
Note: Registration is for weeks in full, no half weeks or days permitted, in order to be able to count on a full group/team per week per village. There are also minimum group size requirements in order to carry out the work planned in each area each week.
Map of Argentina: http://www.argentina.gov.ar/argentina/portal/documentos/rafisicoypol300.pdf
Search YouTube: Proyecto Valles CalchaquĆes
Blog: http://www.proyectovalles.blogspot.com/
**CONTACT THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE: Cruzada Estudiantil y Profesional para Cristo Argentina**
*UPDATE 7/26/10: see photos of the trip HERE.
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Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!