
May 13, 2010

Spiritual Lessons in the Kitchen

I got the recipe for Resurrection Rolls last year from another homeschool mommy, but colicky baby made it impossible to even consider attempting. So, we tried it this year. Since I find out about 90% of my homeschool/parenting ideas from word of mouth or from a book, thought I'd pass this one on, too...

annointing Jesus' body (marshmallow) 
with oil of embalming (melted butter)
and spices (cinnamon and sugar)

wrapping the body in linen cloth (crescent roll dough)

...seal them up and bake in oven (which represents the tomb)...

the empty tomb (marshmallow disappears)!

They are ridiculously delicious and addicting, so be forewarned!

I prayed a prayer for serious patience before we did this... I confess I do not enjoy crafts or cooking with my kids, no matter how hard I try. I keep trying, though. I do it because I love them, plain and simple. Love is action, right? Life is not all about me. I don't know if I'll ever enjoy crafts or flour flying in the kitchen, but I know I'll keep praying until one of two things happens: I begin to like it, or they are fully grown!


1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to stop over and say a big thank you for your comment on my blog and your offer of a donation. You REALLY touched my heart. Especially being that you are living out the amazing faith walk of being missionaries. Thank you for reminding me that there are people out there like you - living for God in all they do. You witnessed to me yesterday more than I can explain.


Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!