
May 26, 2010

Opportunity for Missions in Ecuador

Here is an excerpt from the monthly newsletter we receive from our missionary friends' in Ecuador who opened a children's home for abused, neglected, and abandoned children. Ron and Glenda write:


Sometimes I want to just sit and read or play stupid games on the computer. But generally my life belongs to Jesus. When I look around me I’m concerned with the needs of the person next to me, and the person far from me. It would be easy to expend all my energy on pampering myself. But the moments that are most rewarding to me are those times when I can make a difference to other people.

Life here is full of those opportunities. It seems like there are not enough days in the week to accomplish everything we want to do. A few nights ago I taught the children the difference between doing a good thing and doing the most excellent thing. For instance, I could stay in Canada, get a job and support my family, which would be good. Or I could bring them to the Andes mountains to rescue homeless children, street waifs, or people who’ve been dealt blows in life as well as the ones who deal them out. There are thousands of Quichua villages with very little opportunity to hear the words of life. The youth in the city are hungry and they need the meat of the gospel.

There is so much need and so few to help. Doing the work of the ministry is excellent. I would have a difficult time going back to “normal” life.

Would you care to join us? We need:

*guys with fortitude, love and vision to work with the tough crowd: in the jail, on the street etc.
*evangelistic teams to do drama, mime, puppets, crafts or whatever they can come up with to reach out cross-culturally in the Quichua villages
*construction teams to bring funds and help with projects
*summer teams to teach the kids Vacation Bible School at the Ark
*a long term maintenance man
*child care volunteers to love on the kids"

Any takers?? Contrary to the belief of some people, even missionaries who have worked in Ecuador in the past, it still remains to be fully evangelized. There is SO much to do! As having been there, we can personally attest to that. I would love to move there myself, but it looks like Argentina for us.

contact Ron and Glenda at:
visit their website:

Tony playing soccer with the kids at the orphanage

Christmas outreach - taking supplies and gifts to pastor
in a remote village

okay, so you may get a little sick in some town square
far from home, but I'm over it now

shoeshine boys/street kids

Tony reading the Illustrated Bible to the kids at the orphanage


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Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!