
April 6, 2010


This WORD keeps coming up. Over and over for years. Just doesn't go away.

I haven't had anything to say lately (shocker). Or maybe I haven't had time. It recently took me three whole days to clean the house. Then Easter, then back to the grind. And for some reason God gave me a baby that screams and screams and cries A LOT and doesn't nap. 15 months and still wants me to hold her ALL day like a newborn. Weird. And time-consuming. Good thing she's CUTE.

So, I'm double-dipping... I mean re-posting. Stealing someone else's post. I have much more on my mind about this subject, but for now I leave you with this incredible story. I know so many more.


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Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!