
February 12, 2010

Entering the Blogosphere

Welcome to our blog!

God has finally revealed His plans for us! We think. We are heading back to Argentina!

Lord-willing, that is (always good to add the qualifier). We shall see how this all unfolds. It could take a year, years, to prepare to go; so, in the meantime... I need to figure out how to blog! Once we get there, blogging will probably be the easiest way to keep family and friends updated on all the news. Internet access is limited, at least where we are going, so one blog update will be infinitely easier than many individual emails or the sporadic phone call. But, even so, there's also Facebook (hint, hint)! :)

So here we go! First post.

If you're interested in following the news, just Bookmark our page or add our blog to your Favorites. Then check in from time to time.

I plan to write more in the coming months about how we arrived at this monumental decision, how preparations are going, and how life unfolds in the day-to-day along the way. After we make the big move (assuming this all works out), I'll enjoy being able to stay in contact with everyone IN ENGLISH (soon to be a luxury) via the Blogosphere, even if it's primarily a one-way conversation. :)

So check in on us from time to time!

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Thanks for your comments, it makes me feels like I'm not just talking into the air! I'm terrible at responding to each one, but know that we read and appreciate all of them!